Women in Music: Who is the greatest of all time?

Sophia’s take: Who is the greatest ever woman in music? 

This is like one of those questions you don’t ask people. It stirs up so many different opinions. It could potentially end friendships. It could draw people to hate each other. A lot of people have it wrong. But there is a correct answer. And that correct answer is Amy Winehouse. She is my queen, and she reigns superior. Everything from her voice, her lyrics to her idgaf personality — the woman is perfect. 

I fell in love with Winehouses’ grit, that people would sell their souls to have. She’s honest, maybe a little too honest where I’m like ‘woooahhhh AMY! Have you been watching us…’ She is also jewish, so maybe I just saw myself in her. Her best album has to be Frank. But Back to Black is a close runner-up. Lioness: Hidden Treasures also holds a special place; it is hard to rank perfection! Frank takes the cake, the cookies and the fruit leathers for me. Frank is the perfect mix of jazz, r&b alongside beautiful vocals and a non-linear story of real and raw life experiences from Amy’s point of view. What more are we gonna ask for? Nothing, we’re not selfish when it comes to Amy. 

She set a precedent for music in the early 2000s and has inspired present day stars like Gaga, Billie Eilish and Lana Del Ray baby! Her sound is timeless and to me, will reign forever. So that’s my take. She is such a powerhouse, still and her legacy lives on. Her fans love her honesty, her beautiful voice and how she mixed together so many genres to create her own sound. She is such an important figure in the music industry, even after the way it treated her. She went through so much, and her music still stands so strong. Not to mention she is HAWTTTT!!!! She really deserved better, that queen. It is so sad, but her music makes such an impact on lovely and hot people who really appreciate her.  Keep streaming Miss Amy’s music. Let’s see what Zoey’s take is… Nincki? 

Zoey’s take: Who is the greatest woman ever in music? 

I am going to rattle a lot of people’s rib cages when I say who I think is the leading woman in music. I really don’t want to say it because right now the backlash  would be really hard for me. I have so many people that look up to me including a beautiful purebred German Shepherd that sniffs to kill. He loves Gwen Stefani. When Hollaback Girls shuffle on you could get a limb taken out with how fast that tail is moving. I like to play along with him and say she is my queen, but in the back of my mind I’m asking “where are the hits”? Once I say who takes the cake, things will change. Here’s the thing about cake: there are only so many slices. I went to a cheap wedding recently. Only like 30 people went and I didn’t even know the bride or groom. I just followed the stench. When they started cutting up the small cake from Walmart I realized that the cake is so small that once they get to me I’m probably only going to get a sliver. But I was wrong. I didn’t get any. I got escorted off the premises. 

Gwen is a powerhouse, she’s an icon and she is the moment. Her girl band, No doubt, eats and slays the house down. She started a punk revolution in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Yes, she is a bit problematic. We can laugh it off HAHAHAH! But her music and bops can make up for some insensitive things she has done… She can be a lot it’s true. Her fans love her because she is a personality, a mother, a leader and an impressionable artist from her surroundings. That’s my girl. That’s my LUXURIOUS!