
“Benny and the Zick” is a dynamic music platform that celebrates diverse genres and delves deep into the journeys of emerging artists within the music industry. With an ear for fresh sounds and a passion for storytelling, the show brings listeners on a captivating musical exploration. From indie rock to electronic beats, “Benny and the Zick” provides a vibrant space for artists to share their experiences and rise to prominence in the ever-evolving music scene. Whether you’re a music aficionado or a curious newcomer, join us on this exciting journey as we discover and groove to the latest tunes and the artists who create them.

Show Time

Wed 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Isaac Mendez
Isaac Mendez's Picture
Isaac is a passionate rock climber and a dedicated student at DePaul University. Hailing from Memphis, TN he found his love for rock climbing at a young age and has since become an avid enthusiast in the sport. He spends his free time eating Hawaiian Pizza.

Ben Wise
Ben Wise's Picture
Ben was born in Buffalo, New York, and is currently a student at DePaul University. He is pursuing a degree in Film major. Ben is known for his dedication to academics and is actively involved in the pickleball club team. His future looks promising as he continues his education at DePaul.