Indie Pop-Rock Band The Kelseys Interview on Vibe Check

The Kelseys are a band that came to fruition at the University of Michigan in 2016. Consisting of Josh Cukier (drums), Evan Dennis (guitar) and fronted by Peter Kwitny (vocals), the band have been releasing a new single each month, a declaration that began in September of this year. 

I was fortunate to be able to interview this band. These guys are incredibly down to Earth and are very passionate about their music as well as the messages they are hoping to convey, such as animal rights and environmental justice and sustainability. Each member gives unique musical contribution to their songs, such as chord experimentation and song concepts.  

Throughout the interview, I discussed numerous topics such as local and retro influences on the band and individual members and of course, which superhero was each member’s favorite (there is a Marvel and DC divide within the group). All 3 guys opened up about stories that shaped their songs and were very eager to give advice to other budding musicians, specifically to start recording immediately and go digital (and boy am I glad they did!).

I got to get to the bottom of the stories behind their latest single, one of which being “Save the World” an upbeat anthem of feeling powerless against the overruling forces controlling the world but hoping to find a way to somehow be the difference. I talked to the band about possible events that initiated this concept for the song and the drummer, Josh, brought up the Flint water crisis, an event that hit very close to home for the band.

“Save the World” is an anthem for those who are hurting from the current climate of life in the 21st century, a song for the voiceless.

Another song we discussed was “Love in Fear” which is the latest single from the band. A love song of sorts that Peter wrote about his girlfriend amidst the fear and uncertainty of the global pandemic, a song that hit close to home for me having a mother who is chronically ill with two autoimmune disorders. 

The Kelseys are going to blow up, it is only a matter of when. More and more people are looking for music of sustenance and meaning as opposed to the bubblegum empty calorie singles of contemporary pop. People are going to start looking for songs that resonate with their mind and soul as opposed to just their body. More and more people are trying to be more sustainable, are worried about if they could lose a loved one, just wanting to change the world and are looking at the injustices in the world.

Meaningful pop is going to be the latest trend and The Kelseys are riding that first wave. The band has already released their new single, “Little Satellite.” If you want to hear more about the band, check out their website and don’t forget to follow the band on Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud.