Rebirth Brass Band

CHICAGO – Saturday, January 18, at Thalia Hall, The Rebirth Brass Band grooved their way into everyone’s soul. With screaming trumpets, a non-stop walking sousaphone line, and infectious lyrics, the eight-piece brass band brought their New Orleans heat to the freezing city of Chicago. 

The world-renowned brass band has been playing funk, second line, and jazzy tunes on the French Corner in New Orleans since 1983. Like their lyrics say, “There ain’t no party like a Rebirth party cause a Rebirth party don’t stop”. The group has been rotating players for the past 42 years, but one musician has been a constant throughout the history of Rebirth. Keith Frazier, the bass drum and cymbal player, co-founded the group in 1983 and has continued to tour with them since. While up on stage, you could barely see the short man behind a huge bass drum strapped to his chest, with a little cymbal next to it, which he hit with a flathead screwdriver. Though it was hard to see him, you could absolutely feel his bass booming presence.

The blaring brass band did not mess around when it came to having fun on stage. The musicians truly looked like they were best friends from fanning each other with their horns when hitting a musical riff, or bumping into one another just to mess with each other. The vibe on stage was infectious and the sold-out crowd at Thalia Hall was there to party! People all around were dancing with their neighbors, clapping along with the band, and singing at the top of their lungs. The band’s energy was reciprocated tenfold by the audience. It was clear that the group knew how to play for people and how to get them involved.

For periods of their existence, The Rebirth Brass Band resided on the streets of New Orleans, playing classic second-line music for thousands of passersby each day. This led them to have a more portable setup, only using instruments they can carry with them. As much fun as it would be, it’s hard to carry an eight-piece drum kit through the streets of New Orleans. The musicians of Rebirth have mastered the art of maximizing the potential of their instruments. For example, the snare and cymbal player used every inch of the drum, including the rim,  to get the most variety out of the snare kit.

With their tight-knit performance and relentless fun, The Rebirth Brass Band reaffirmed that when it comes to throwing a party, nobody does it quite like Rebirth. The music, the camaraderie, and the sheer joy were impossible to ignore, leaving the crowd with a deep sense of connection to the band and the heart of New Orleans.