Hamilton Leithauser at Old Town School of Folk Music

Hamilton Leithauser graced the city of Chicago at the Old Town School of Folk Music on February 28th 2025. He strolled onto stage in a suit, tie, and black Boston birkenstocks.

Leithauser was quite limber on stage, tapping along to the beat with his lead guitar. On some songs, he showcased a deep crooner voice reminiscent of Frank Sinatra if he were a 21st-century indie folk artist. Other songs, such as “The Bride’s Dad,” highlighted his more folksy, Dylan-esque side.

Leithauser has been a major player in the indie folk scene for over a decade. Through hit songs like “A 1000 Times,” he perfectly sums up what it means to be in love. He was both an intuitive musician and a witty comedian, promptly coming up with lines and introductions to his songs. One of the working staff members introduced Leithauser by saying “He comes from the Big Apple, 6ft. 6 inches, and weighs 220 lbs, please welcome to the stage Hamilton Leithauser!” Laughter erupted from the audience in the intimate venue.

Each song Leithauser performed has some sort of backstory behind it. “Off The Beach” is inspired by a friend entering into their sixth marriage. “Room for Forgiveness” gets its name from a young Irish attendee at a show in Dublin. Each of Leithauser’s song titles is deeply personal with an intriguing backstory behind it.

About half way through the show, there was one concert-goer who motioned to get Hamilton’s attention. She yelled “I left Michael Marcagi for you!” He sheepishly responded with “I have no idea who that is.” Instant laughter flooded the venue.

Every member of Hamilton Leithauser’s band is from Austin, TX, though he himself is not. He shared this as an aside when introducing his band during the second half of the show. The band showcased their instrumental savvy throughout the show. During the song “In a Black Out,” the guitarist noodled a riff on the acoustic guitar, keeping the audience hooked. Everyone fell silent during this song, as if the room was under a collective hypnosis.

Near the end of the show, Leithauser made another witty remark saying: “Thanks to whoever sponsored the concert or whatever.” His candid and personable energy made for an electrifying stage presence.

Leithauser did an exceptional job of bringing a sliver of light into a world that, as of late, seems to be shrouded by darkness.