One of the most beautiful things about music is the shared experience. Music is gifted from one person to another, it creates bonds, scores your memories, and becomes a part of your identity. My biggest musical influence was always my Dad. I have him to thank for being the defining factor in shaping my music taste. Before he got a big boy job he was a DJ for many years, and along with that came a vast knowledge of music, something that has always inspired me. I have him to thank for gifting me some awesome musical treasures and also my (semi) ironic love of Milli Vanilli. So I worked with him to create a playlist of some of his handpicked jams that I could share with the world. It flows through his career as a DJ spanning from the 1980s to the 2020s encompassing hits and personal favorites alike. Eventually he had to slow down because he got the much more demanding job of being a father, but his tastes still live on in me. I created this playlist as a thank you, for sharing the gift of music with me and allowing it to change my life, and even if you no longer spin sick tunes, rest assured that they live on in me. I love you Dad, Keep Jamming.