We are Dirt Cup – Your go-to radio station for all things nostalgia at Depaul! Every week, we choose a theme of nostalgia to explore through tunes containing that feeling; a feeling that exists not only in classic tracks from decades ago, but even fresh ones that came out yesterday. Whether you’re here to reminisce or discover new jams, we hope to unlock that memory you’ve been searching for.
Show Time
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11:00 am
Nico Beauchamp

Hey! My name’s Nico, I’m a second year Film + Television Major with a concentration in directing, and I’m super hyped to be co-hosting Dirt Cup with Lilly at Radio DePaul. Music has always been a key part of my upbringing - I listen to almost any genre, I play guitar, and I sing. I’m currently in the process of learning how to mix and master tracks to be able to release my own original music in the near future! I also skate, am a photographer and videographer, and love hanging out with loved ones. Art is life, and life is art. Tune in to Dirt Cup Radio to catch Lilly and I pumping nostalgic jams into your day and to hear more about our stories!
Lilly Helling

Hello hi! I’m Lilly, a sophomore at DePaul University majoring in Public Relations and Advertising with a minor in Music Business. I’m absolutely in love with anything related to music. The second a concert gets mentioned, the tickets are already purchased no matter the artist. Whether it’s catching live shows or just listening to albums with my friends, music is the center of my livelihood and I’m excited to share my passion with you!