Hi everyone! This is “I’m Anxious about Nothing,” and we’re your hosts Simrah and Makayla. Our show is primarily about mental health and navigating the stress and pressure of being a college student in a big city, especially as a girl. Last year, a lot of the conversations that occurred between the two of us centered around mental health and our experience with it, so we decided to make a show sharing our thoughts and advice with all of you. Anyone is welcome to call in, with any problems or questions they may have, and we will do our best to help out. Happy listening :))
Show Time
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
Simrah Qasim

Hi! My name is Simrah Qasim and I am excited to co-host the show “I'm Anxious about Nothing” with one of my best friends, Makayla. I’ve always loved music and talking, so I decided this year radio would be a great outlet to combine my two favorite things… I'm a psychology major at DePaul, on the Pre Med track, and in my free time, I love reading, writing, and hanging out with friends.
Makayla Lawson

Hi everyone! My name is Makayla and It’s my second year in the film program as a showrunning major. “I’m Anxious About Nothing” is a show about our experience with mental health and the media we consume. Some of my most memorable conversations have happened with Simrah, so I am beyond excited to host this show with her!