Here at Good Cop Bad Cop, we believe the biggest sin in music is taking it too seriously. There are many beautiful songs in the world, but also many terrible ones. So, we present to you a guessing game: two songs, connected by a common theme, one good, one bad. Both inspire joy and laughter in us, and we hope they do the same for you!
Show Time
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Colin Richey

Hello Hello! My name is Colin and I'm a sophomore majoring in Jazz Studies. I like to skip, I like to dance, and I like to drum. I do nothing else. All of the music I love, I adore authentically and ironically;
I'd like to get the general populace in on that hivemind with this show. Thanks for tuning in!
Aidan Constanzo

Hey there! My name’s Aidan Costanzo and I’m a sophomore vocal performance/music education double major. I love anything music: playing it, writing it, listening to it, etc! But one of my greatest enduring loves is terrible music. There is something so special about a song that shines despite its quality. And that’s what GCBC is all about!