PR Moves is a radio show hosted by Peyton Leudtke and Robert Haray that consists of interview-style segments exploring topics ranging from hilarious stories to plans for the future. With a different guest each week, PR Moves serves to promote the many achievements and activities of DePaul’s students. Tune in each week to listen to the voices of different people with various experiences!
Show Time
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Robert Haray

I'm a Journalism major with a radio show focusing on the many diverse personalities and activities of DePaul students!
Peyton Luedtke

I am currently a psychology major (subject to change) with an interest in radio broadcasting! I love interviewing and getting to know people while shining a light on their interests and personal backgrounds. I am a freshman DePaul student and I was raised in Madison, WI. Some of my favorite musical artists include Phoebe Bridgers, Harry Styles, Frank Ocean and have recently been getting into Thee Sacred Souls!